does the UIVideoEditorControllerDelegate didSaveEditedVideoToPath: method get called twice?

I might be doing something wrong, but I put a bp in the following code:

    UIVideoEditorController * vec = [UIVideoEditorController new];
    vec.videoMaximumDuration = [[UserManager sharedManager].currentUser maxVideoRecordLengthInSeconds];
    vec.videoQuality = UIImagePickerControllerQualityTypeHigh;
    vec.videoPath = self.draft.localFileUrl.path;
    vec.delegate = self;
    [self presentViewController: vec animated: YES completion: nil];

It gets triggered once.

I then save my trimmed video.

I have a second bp here:

- (void) videoEditorController:(UIVideoEditorController *)editor didSaveEditedVideoToPath:(NSString *)editedVideoPath {
    DraftManager * draftManager = [DraftManager shared];

It gets triggered twice. both times editor is the UIVideoEditorController created above.

This feels like wrong behaviour. Or am I missing something?