Add Series 4 support while supporting older devices?

How do we add series 4 support (without letterbox) while remains compatibility with older watches?

Is it just recompile with deployment target watchOS 5 will do or?

Yes, I have watched Designing for Apple Watch Series 4 and I still faced issues.


We're struggling with this one too - to the point where even targetting only the WatchOS 5 SDK still gives a letter-box layout. Our app has a horizontal page layout, and we're getting about 25% of the bottom of the screen taken up by a black bar with the page indicator dots at the top.

Everything looks like it should be OK in the Storyboard, but not when actually running.

I seems to get it working, but not sure about the result. Here's my observations:

- Using the latest Xcode will support Series 4, don't need to be watchOS 5.

- When compile to Series 4 (simulator or real thing), the result will ALWAYS be wrong. Just restart the app (or watch or simulator)

- "Fixed to screen edges" might cause issues, try turning on or off and see the result.