Apple Watch Series 4 show full screen wrong

My full screen SpriteKit game which works fine on 38/42mm Series 2/3, when run on Series 4 emulator, seems to scroll up to the top and show only the bottom part of the game. The bottom part of watch is blank. This happened regardless of whether it is compiled to watchOS 4 or 5.

What shall I do? I have watch the "Designing for Apple Watch Series 4" talk and it says that the old apps should at least centered and if recompiled just need to readjust the UI. But my issue is not like that.


I have your same issue in my spritekit game... It works as expected when launched from carousel

Do you mean it works fine if launched from home screen but not from Xcode? Or there is a different between launching from Carousel and List?

Yes, I mean launched from home screen...

There is also a problem with screenshot upload. I'm unable to load them (Series 4) on App Store Connect 😟

Strange, it is the same for me even if I launched from home page.

Did you do anything to indicate that you want to support Series 4?

Hi, I just bought the watch for testing and I still face issue, but not the same. Now the top part is chopped off and the scene pushed down.

Can you kindly tell me what have you done to make it compatible with Series 4? I have set deployment target to 5, set "Fixed to screen edges" in storyboard. "Full Screen" is also switched on.

Interested by an answer too.

Thanks in advance!

Are you facing the same issue too?

I am now suspecting whether it is "full screen" causing the compatibility issue.

Changing deployment target does not seem to do anything.

I seems to get it working, but not sure about the result. Here's my observations:

- Using the latest Xcode will support Series 4, don't need to be watchOS 5.

- When compile to Series 4 (simulator or real thing), the result will ALWAYS be wrong. Just restart the app (or watch or simulator)

- "Fixed to screen edges" might cause issues, try turning on or off and see the result.

I uploaded my app to App Store, got approved and download it again, seems to work fine.

My mapping application is receiving a correct size for the image to generate for the watch 4 (44mm). It is then shrinked in height to the 42 mm height value, leaving a black strip below. I'm not able to have it displayed ok by restarting the simulator.

Edit: solved the SpriteKit scene height bug by adding an enclosing WKInterfaceGroup and then setting its height. Both tricks got from this SO thread

    CGRect wk_utile = self.contentFrame;
    [_wkgroup setHeight:wk_utile.size.height]; //_wkgroup is the new enclosing  WKInterfaceGroup