iOS 12 : Notification NSHTTPCookieManagerCookiesChangedNotification not called correctly


On iOS 12, the NSNotificationCenter does not fire NSHTTPCookieManagerCookiesChangedNotification correctly like on iOS 11 when a cookie is set the second time the webview is called.

The first time, after NSHTTPCookieManagerCookiesChangedNotification callbaclk, in [NSHTTPCookieStorage sharedHTTPCookieStorage] array all the cookies are not include. Some cookies sets are missing

Is there someone who encountered the same issue ?

Thanks for your answers



I noticed the same misbehaviour. We monitor a value inside a special Cookie and react on change. But now only the first change triggers the notification.

It has been working for (6) years, but with iOS 12 beta it's broken. We first noticed it with beta 9 and still no change with beta 12.

Hi tineEve,

Thanks for your answer. We have exactly the same use case as yours !

We are looking for a workaround with wkwebview but we are not satisfied with the result.

this is still happening in the release build

for now I setup a NSTimer and keep checking for difference in the specific cookie I am monitoring


We are also experiencing same problem, Suddenly stops working in Prod build and this is not a good experience for our athletes.

Looking forword to fix on apple side.....

