iOS 12 beta 8/9 retains camera privacy permission after uninstall-reinstall an app

With following code, once a user answers privacy permission of camera access, it looks like the OS system remembers the user's decision after uninstall-reinstall the app.

AVCaptureDevice.requestAccess(for: .video, completionHandler: { granted in


In older iOS version, after uninstall and reinstall the app, AVCaptureDevice.requestAccess should prompt privacy permission dialog again to users.

Is it expected change in iOS 12?



In the last couple of weeks, I've been deleting and reinstalling apps on iPhones and iPads running both iOS 11 and iOS 12 beta, and the permission has consistently been reset on deletion. (The system asks again after the app is reinstalled.)

There may well be some combination of conditions that cause the earlier permission to be remembered, but in my experience it's not a general problem.

Hi X.W.

Our app had the same issue, it also retains the permission for the contact list, we are not sure if it's the ios12 system bug

since we could not reproduce this on facebook, if you have any findings please let us know, thanks

Thanks for your information. I am just wondering in the last couple of weeks what iOS 12 beta version you have tried? My understanding is OS behavior to remember the user decision rather than our app.

I have also tried on a simple sample app and I was able to reproduce the same issue.



I've been staying up-to-date with betas, so 6-7-8.

I wonder if it's something about data stored by the app. The apps I was deleted didn't store anything in UserDefaults or any documents. Maybe iOS does something different if there's actually stored data?

Anyway, all you can do, I guess, is submit a bug report.

I've noticed this as well. Deleting my app doesn't unset the SKCloudServiceController.authorizationStatus() either. Manually restarting the phone seemed to solve it for me though.

Hi X.W.

Our app had the same issue, it also retains the permission for the contact list

if you have any findings please let us know, thanks