ARKit 2(iOS 12 beta) screen is very unresponsive/freezes on using OverlaySKScene

I have a couple of projects developed using ARKit 1.5 and it was working fine till iOS 11.4.1. When i upgraded my OS to iOS 12 and ran it using Xcode 10 beta(Latest version till date), my AR session is very unresponsive and freezes.

This freezing is even bad for projects where i have used OverlaySKScene for my ARSceneView. Is this a bug that i should file or only occurs to me and i should do some code optimization? If so please help me with ideas on how to optimize the performance.

I read this thread ARKit 2 freezes: a bug or my misfortune? and changed my deployment target to iOS 12 but still no luck 😟

Note: It is very difficult for me to completely redo the app using ARKIT 2.0


Yes, please file a bug report and attach a repro case.