Base Internationalization Xcode 10 Beta 6

After updating my project to Xcode 10 Beta 6, I am seeing a bunch of localization warnings in my workspace for some of my own internal frameworks about Base Interationalization not being enabled. None of these frameworks have xibs or storyboards in them so I don't want or need to localize anything in the `Base.lproj` folder.

Some of the frameworks do have localized strings but they are all setup in code using the `Localizable.strings` file. My questions is how can I silence this warning or enable base internationalization in a framework that does not contain any storyboards or xibs? I would like to avoid having to create an empty file just to silence the warning.

Is this a known bug with Xcode 10 Beta 6? Any input would be helpful.


Just following this thread, as I'm looking for an answer to this annoyance as well.

I'm also looking for a way to disable this warning.

I am also trying to resolve or disable these warnings. It feels like a bug to me because sometimes it mysteriously goes away on its own. But if I clear my cache it may or may not come back. I really hope Apple resolves this.

> It feels like a bug to me because sometimes it mysteriously goes away on its own.

I think you've just rendered the true definition of a beta.

Feel free to file a bug and see what comes back.