References Non-public API usage (with Unity)

Hello Everyone,

After uploaded the project, I received an email from the store team

It says:

Non-public API usage:

The app references non-public symbols in (project name): __ZN10ClipperLib11ClipperBase7AddPathERKNSt3__16vectorINS_8IntPointENS1_9allocatorIS3_EEEENS_8PolyTypeEb, __ZN10ClipperLib7Clipper7ExecuteENS_8ClipTypeERNSt3__16vectorINS3_INS_8IntPointENS2_9allocatorIS4_EEEENS5_IS7_EEEENS_12PolyFillTypeESB_, __ZN10ClipperLib7ClipperC1Ei, __ZN10ClipperLib7ClipperD1Ev

- The Project is build with UNITY (it has few thrd party plugins/libs imported)

- Could not find any text "__ZN10ClipperLib..... in the project

I think some thirdparty plugins imported in the project is causing the issues, But i am unable to identify the exact library.

Anybody came across this issue before, If yes could you identfy which plugin was causing the issues ?


>Could not find any text "__ZN10ClipperLib..... in the project

Did you get the same results searching just on: Clipper

Which version Xcode are you using?

Note - not an offer to troubleshoot unity