Metal Power Consumption

I am following Apple sample code AVCamPhotoFilter to display camera feed on a


If I just use AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer, Xcode energy meter shows as Low. If above sample project is run, without filter, Xcode energy meter quickly jumps to High and stays there.

Is this the usual case with Metal Frame work? If used, be ready for higher energy consumption?

Accepted Reply

It might be about Metal, or it might be the sample project, like others, is crafted strictly as a demo, lacking normal optimization, which can be expected, as sample apps typically exist only to show certain technologies, not end/to/end performance.

AFAIK, as a low-level API, Metal is designed to take as full advantage as possible of the available GPU, meaning I'd take the value of the sample API for what it is, and keep moving - see this WWDC 2018 Session VideoMetal Game Performance Optimization


It might be about Metal, or it might be the sample project, like others, is crafted strictly as a demo, lacking normal optimization, which can be expected, as sample apps typically exist only to show certain technologies, not end/to/end performance.

AFAIK, as a low-level API, Metal is designed to take as full advantage as possible of the available GPU, meaning I'd take the value of the sample API for what it is, and keep moving - see this WWDC 2018 Session VideoMetal Game Performance Optimization