Shortcuts beta 3


Someone have the third beta of Shortcuts ? The beta it's show on Dev update.


I can sympathize, I'm in the same situation. Shortcuts 2.1 Beta 2 has been announced and released on the 16th of October, Twitterverse notables and cool developers were writing about the new features and showing examples on the 16th of October, people started clamoring for "where is the TestFlight invitation / update?", some got invitations, others are still waiting. So I guess we just have a ton of people on the Shortcuts TestFlight list, and they are doing a staggered release / invite to the newest version.

All we can do is wait and hope for the best. I check the Apple Developer Downloads page once every day just to make sure my "Requested" button hasn't turned back into "Request" button. Some have reported that the Requested-state has reverted back to Request, so they are able to re-request access to it.

I trust that this is all happening for a good reason (to reduce the bandwidth/noise of people reporting the same issue all the time), and will just simply have to wait and hope for the best.