CoreBluetooth- BT-Server Error

Sometimes, If I am trying to write the data from Master(Central) to *****(peripheral) without response.

I am getting 2 types of Error code:-


iPhone BTServer[60] <Error>: Failed to write request for bearer 0x29F02510 BM3 STATUS 114 (status=65535)

iPhone BTServer[60] <Error>: Command failed to execute with status 114

iPhone BTServer[60] <Error>: Command failed to execute with status 114


iPhone bluetoothd[1398] <Notice>: Writing value without response to characteristic handle 0x0048 on device "<private>"

iPhone bluetoothd[1398] <Notice>: Using Write Without Response

iPhone bluetoothd[1398] <Error>: Failed to write request for bearer 0x03D03730 BM3 STATUS 4001 (status=65535)

iPhone bluetoothd[1398] <Error>: Command failed to execute with status 4001

iPhone bluetoothd[1398] <Error>: Command failed to execute with status 4001

iPhone bluetoothd[1398] <Error>: Unhandled stack status: 4001

It is happening with the larger size data. It is not happening every single time.

I am not able to find out the root cause.

I am stuck at this point. Not having any idea about that. Please provide me any pointer related to it.

Any Quick response would be appreciated.