Localize App Name based on Region

Is is possible to localize an iOS app name (CFBundleDisplayName) that is shown on the home screen based on region only (not language). In other words, if the user has their region set to Germany I want the app name to say "German App Name" but if the region is set to United States I want it to say "US App Name" regardless of the selected language?

I tried putting an InfoPlist.strings file in a folder called -DE.lproj thinking that would match on the region only, and xCode seems to interpret it as such, it shows info.Plist strings (Germany) in the project tree rather than infoPlist (German), but when I launch the app it doesn't use the display name specified in that file.

Has anyone else had success doing this? Is there a language wildcard? Something like *-DE.lproj that would work?


Looking into this further, I think the bigger problem is that in AppStoreConnect I can't make the App Name region specific. This is very unfortunate because it's going to force me to have multiple apps available in different regions that all only differ by name. 😟