Please Provide Apple Guidance on ScrollView for wkWebView


Apple doc says: "In apps that run in OS X 10.10 and later, use the

class instead of using

My MAC OS app fundamentally requires access to the webview's scrollView, contentView, and documentView. Consequently, I can not use wkWebView which lack this access. Other developers I know as well as I fear our work will be ruined if webVuew us deprecated.

Please provide quidance and the assurance that our work will not be ruined in the knowable future.

Thank you

P.S. There is no appropriate answer for the Location field. Safari Developer Tools is the best of poor choices.


>the assurance that our work will not be ruined in the knowable future.

Not following such recommendations is the best way to risk your code being offlined in the future - it could stop working at any time. Apple tends to avoid discussing specific forward looks in public, so...

That's why those admonitions exist.

If you have what you feel is a valid use case to delay things, feel free to make yourself heard via the bug reporter, linked below right, adding your report # to your thread for reference, thanks and good luck,

I have submitted a bug report number:

42816307 ScrollView is missing from wkWebView