MusicKit as ES6 Module?


I'd like to know if it would be possible to somehow expose MusicKit as an ES6 Module instead of relying on a global variables, example:

import { MusicKit } from '@apple/music-kit' 

  developerToken: 'DEVELOPER-TOKEN',     
  app: {
    name: 'My Cool Web App',
    build: '1978.4.1'    



how dead

In order to ensure the best experience for the developer and users, MusicKit JS is distributed through our CDN servers and linked to your application using an HTML <script> tag.

In order to ensure support for as many browsers as possible, we don't expose this CDN version of the file as an ES6 module.

Is there a specific build system or framework that you are trying to use MusicKit JS with that you are having issue with?


I didn't expect an answer after all this time to be honest so thanks!

Everyone knows the best developer experience working wth dependencies is with a package registry like npm. Yet I understand you're trying to keep as much control as you can over your code and depending on a 3rd party like npm is not very apple-like, you can say it outright.

Still, you could continue to serve it from your CDN but expose a ES module that doesn't rely on global variables!


<script src="">

would just become

<script type="module" src="">

or even

<script type="module">

import { MusicKit } from ''
