which files can I safely delete related to Xcode?

i use xcode just to compile c c++ or type python code. i dont need the whole package which contains the ios packages and simulators.

which data or folders can i delete safely?

also tell me how to download them later if i go towards ios development. i guess i'll have to download xcode again but if you know please do tell



I would not delete some files manually like this, I'd never know what are the dependencies.

ANyway, if your problem is disk space, it is unlikely it would do enough good.

Haven't you large photo libraries to move to an external support instead ?

i can also work on any other editor and use terminal for my facial recognition project if one could tell me if deleting xcode as whole wouldnt affect working of terminal and compilers. i have read somewhere that command line tools work due to xcode.

is that true?

Yes, removing current Xcode will remove the command line tools. The removal process, and one means to confirm, is discussed here:


In your example, if all you want are the tools, don't bother w/Xcode and go here (search for: command line) and grab just the command line tools version you require to install them alone:
