Old icon cached in iOS 10?

Hi All,

We've got an application that we just recently changed the main application icon on. In subsequent in-house testing (using an enterprise build), we've noticed that iOS 10.2.1 devices still show the old icon in the "Siri App Suggestions" widget while everywhere else the icon appears it is updated to the new icon. I was able to find an iOS 10.3.3 device that has never had this app installed on it, and it did NOT exhibit the problem (when we put the new version of the app on it -- with the new icon -- the new icon shows up in the Siri App Suggestions widget) I have verified that the old icon is no longer in the .ipa file that we are using to test.

Does anyone know if there was/is a problem in iOS 10 with icon caching that could explain what we are seeing? This is not an issue in iOS 11.

Thanks for any input you have!

--Ron D.


I have noticed (in the past) that it could take some time (long) before file icons get updated.

Test again in a few days and see if the cache has been flushed.