Swift4 and ObjC, No type or protocol named


I Have this code on my project:

import CoreLocation

class GPS: NSObject, CLLocationManagerDelegate {

and I get an error while building on the "MyProyect-Swift.h"

No type or protocol named 'CLLocationManagerDelegate'

This is the code generated:

@import CoreLocation;
@class CLLocationManager;
@class CLLocation;

@interface GPS : NSObject <CLLocationManagerDelegate>

Any idea?


Accepted Reply

problem solved...

I was importing the "-Swift.h" file on .mm file, and that's not supported, so I did create a .m file.


I tested by including in a Swift project the code: no problem

import CoreLocation 
class GPS: NSObject, CLLocationManagerDelegate { 


May look at this h ttps://stackoverflow.com/questions/24078043/call-swift-function-from-objective-c-class

Did you include the "-Swift.h" in any .m or .mm file?

problem solved...

I was importing the "-Swift.h" file on .mm file, and that's not supported, so I did create a .m file.