Pending Review (Almost 1 month now)


I submitted our application to apple on 20th June 2018 and now its almost a month (25 days) the status is still "Waiting Review". This is the first time we are facing this much delay in last 6 years. None of our apps got delayed this much. Not sure if we are doing something wrong or something happened to our account which has flagged something with Apple?

I sent them a couple of "Review Expedite" requests but those were Rejected/Declined too.

Can anyone guide me in this? How can I get my App Reviewed by Apple? Is there any contact number of their Developers Support where we can call them? I provided my number but never received a callback 😟

Please help if someone have any info on this.

Waqas Shahid


Hi Trivzia,

May i know is it resolved now.. because i am also waiting for their review approval.
