Error codes pasted if CJK text is copied from PDF window (PDFKit)

A very simple App is created to deal with pdf file providing open/save/highlight pdf file utilizing PDFKit.

pdfDoc is used to load pdf file:

pdfDoc = [PDFDocument alloc];

pdfDoc = [pdfDoc initWithURL:url];

the following code is used to save changed pdf file:

[pdfDoc writeToFile:path];

The App can save a pdf file changed by highlight some texts and reopen it properly. But if the

Chinese/Japanese/Korea (CJK) text of the reopened pdf file is selected and copied, the text pasted

is error codes.

I do not know whether I miss something in the codes or it is a bug in PDFKit. It seems has the

same problem before, but it works fine now.

Any suggestion for solving the problem will be appreciated.