How to set focus on TextField which is in NSScrollView


I have NSTextField which is in ViewController1 in NSScrollView which is in ViewController2

I'm allocating ViewController1 in NSScrollView

I wrote following in ViewController1


But, nothing happens.

How to get textField1 to get focused.

Accepted Reply


That's because ViewDidAppear occurs later, when all responders are set.

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Why not just call


Where do you call this ?

Are you sure it is executed (breakpoint ojn instruction nto see if you get there)

I'm calling it in viewDidLoad()

Still not able focus it using


Is it an IOS App ?

If so, that should be a UITextField, not a NSTextField.

Can you explain the setup: I have NSTextField which is in ViewController1 in NSScrollView which is in ViewController2

Who is in who ?

ViewController1 contains NSTextField

ViewController1 in NSScrollView : What do you mean here ? How did you do it ? Or is it NSTextField in NSScrollView ?

ViewController2 contains NSScrollView

Could you also show the code for the 2 viewControllers ? That would ease analysis.

It's an MacOS App

Here is my firstNameTextField in AddContactViewController

class AddContactVeiwController: NSViewController, NSComboBoxDelegate, NSComboBoxDataSource, NSPopoverDelegate {

    //MARK: Variables
    @IBOutlet weak var firstNameTextField: NSTextField!

    override func viewDidLoad() {

Allocating AddContactViewController in AddContactScrollViewController

class AddContactScrollViewController: NSViewController {
    @IBOutlet weak var scrollView: NSScrollView!
    var vc: AddContactVeiwController!
    var contentView: NSView?
    override func viewDidLoad() {

        contentView = NSView(frame: NSRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: self.view.frame.width, height: 1362))
        contentView!.wantsLayer = true
        contentView!.layer?.backgroundColor =  NSColor.clear.cgColor

        vc = self.storyboard?.instantiateController(withIdentifier: NSStoryboard.SceneIdentifier(rawValue: "addContact")) as! AddContactVeiwController
        vc.view.setFrameOrigin(NSPoint(x: 0, y: 0))
        vc.view.setFrameSize(NSSize(width: 1200, height: 1362))
        vc.view.wantsLayer = true

        scrollView.documentView = contentView

Instead of calling


in AddContactVeiwController viewDidLoad

could you try to call


in AddContactScrollViewController viewDidLoad

Note: you have a typo in AddContactVeiwController ; probably mean AddContactViewController

I have figured it out.

Instead of calling it in ViewDidLoad, I called it in ViewDidAppear

And, it worked!


That's because ViewDidAppear occurs later, when all responders are set.

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