Custom Instruments documentation?

Hi all,

I'm currently writing a custom instrument using interval signposts, and have been using the WWDC talk as a reference, which is great for getting off the ground, but I'm struggling to find a more complete documentation anywhere? I'm also not sure where the schemas are for things like <package>, <os-signpost-interval-schema>, or where the "ticks" schema from the WWDC talk is actually located? The XCode quick documentation doesn't help but the compiler at least does tell you what the expected/allowed elements are if you miss a required one or add a gargabe one.



Accepted Reply

You're looking for the Instruments Developer Help content, which includes information about the schemas. It is available from the Help menu within Instruments itself.


P.S. I also created a bug report 42064183.

You're looking for the Instruments Developer Help content, which includes information about the schemas. It is available from the Help menu within Instruments itself.

Thanks, this is impossible to find with google!

I've write a blog entry about this topic, create custom Instruments in Xcode 10. It's written in spanish, but I'm sure you will understand the code easily

And below is the link to the GitHub project repository