Cloud Kit reading rtfd files

First I created 6 records with files using the Cloud Kit Dashbord. 1 rtf and 5 rtfd files.

The code below is my attempt to read the files from the records and write them to the document directory.

the rtf file works. The rtfd files fail either in the decompression code my attempt to read the files after they wer written to the Document directoy.

the rtfd files either

This is the print out from the failed attempt to create a attributedSting from files written to the Document directory

failed to read file: Bowman Cousins.rtfd

failed to read file: Chaffee Cousins.rtfd

failed to read file: Blasser Cousins.rtfd

the following files failed in the decompression code.

writtn Data Cout: 0

failed to read File: Babson Cousins.rtfd

0 0x0000000109b88000

writtn Data Cout: 0

failed to read File: Abel Belote.rtfd

This is the print out of reading the 6 CkAssets and writing them to the document folder.

Found 6 records matching query

Bowman Cousins.rtfd

20753 0x0000000108370000

writtn Data Cout: 20753

Bowman Cousins.rtfd ok This file decompressed and was written to the Document directory but failed to read

Axtell Cousins.rtf

Axtell Cousins.rtf ok

Babson Cousins.rtfd

0 0x00000001083c8000 This file failed to decompress.

writtn Data Cout: 0

failed to read File: Babson Cousins.rtfd

Blasser Cousins.rtfd

36701 0x000000010983c000

writtn Data Cout: 36701

Blasser Cousins.rtfd ok

Abel Belote.rtfd

0 0x0000000109b88000

writtn Data Cout: 0

failed to read File: Abel Belote.rtfd

Chaffee Cousins.rtfd

1635487 0x0000000109b88000

writtn Data Cout: 1635487

Chaffee Cousins.rtfd ok

This is the code that reads the files that were written to the Document directory.

This code works correctly when reading rtfd files from the Bundle or from the Document directory but fails if the filesare written to the document directory from the Cloud.

do {

attributedStringWithRtf = try NSAttributedString( // Reads the RTF file from the Bundle

url: rtfPath!,

options: [NSAttributedString.DocumentReadingOptionKey.documentType : NSAttributedString.DocumentType.rtfd],

//options: [NSDocumentTypeDocumentAttribute : NSRTFDTextDocumentType],

documentAttributes: &d)

} catch{

print("failed to read file: " + aFileName)

return (false,nil)


This is the code That reads from the CKAsset and writes to the document directory.

func writeFile(record: CKRecord){

let fileAsset = record.value(forKey: "FileData") as! CKAsset

var fileName = record.value(forKey: "FileName") as! String


let fileNameWords = fileName.split(separator: ".")

var fileData = NSData(contentsOfFile: fileAsset.fileURL.path)

if fileNameWords[fileNameWords.count - 1] == "rtfd"{

//fileName += ".zip"

let fileData3 = fileData! as? Data

// do {

//let fileDataUncompressed = try fileData3?.decompress(algorithm: .zlib)

// let fileDataUncompressed = try fileData3?.decompress()

let fileDataUncompressed = uncompress(data: fileData3!)

fileData = fileDataUncompressed as NSData

/*} catch {





if fileData?.length == 0 {

print("failed to read File: " + fileName)



let filePath = File.getPath(fileName)

if let aFilePath = filePath{

let ok = fileData?.write(toFile: aFilePath, atomically: true)

// let fileString = String(data: fileData! as Data,encoding:String.Encoding.utf8)

// let ok = File.write( aFilePath, content: fileString!)

//self.xmlString = String(data: xmlData as! Data, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8)

//let ok = fileData.write

if ok! {

print(fileName + " ok")


else {

print(fileName + " Not ok")




func uncompress(data: Data) -> Data{

//if let asset = records?.first?["asset"] as? CKAsset {


//if let data = try? Data(contentsOf: asset.fileURL){

var writtenData: Data?


{ (fromBytes: UnsafePointer<UInt8>) -> Void in

var toData = Data(capacity: data.count)

toData.withUnsafeMutableBytes({ (toBytes: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>) -> Void in

let algo = compression_decode_buffer(toBytes, data.count, fromBytes, data.count, nil, COMPRESSION_ZLIB)

print(algo, toBytes)

let a = UnsafeMutableBufferPointer(start: toBytes, count: algo)

writtenData = Data(buffer: a)

print("writtn Data Cout: " + String(writtenData!.count))



return writtenData!



Another try using FileWrapper still fails in reading file.

func tryattributedtext(asset: CKAsset,fileName:String){

var d : NSDictionary? = nil

var fileWrapper: FileWrapper?

do {

fileWrapper = try FileWrapper(url: asset.fileURL)

} catch {

print("wrapped file read failed")



let path = File.getPath(fileName)

let url = URL(fileURLWithPath: path!)

do {

try fileWrapper?.write(to: url, options: FileWrapper.WritingOptions.atomic, originalContentsURL: nil)

} catch {

print( "write Failed" )


var attributedStringWithRtf:NSAttributedString?

do {

attributedStringWithRtf = try NSAttributedString( // Reads the RTF file from the Bundle

url: url,

options: [NSAttributedString.DocumentReadingOptionKey.documentType : NSAttributedString.DocumentType.rtfd],

//options: [NSDocumentTypeDocumentAttribute : NSRTFDTextDocumentType],

documentAttributes: &d)

} catch{

let error = Error.self //Fails here in reading file back from Document folder



