iOS 12 RTC class runtime conflict if app is consuming WebRTC


On iOS 12, if an application is consuming WebRTC framework, at runtime, following error is thrown

Class RTCUIApplicationStatusObserver is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/WebCore.framework/Frameworks/libwebrtc.dylib () and /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/IDENTIFIER/ (). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.

This error is thrown for other RTC classes as well.

Looks like this is something not intended by Apple. It would be nice if Apple provides the fix for this for WebRTC developers.

This problem is reproducible when an app consumes WebRTC framework or by running the AppRTCMobile app on iOS 12.

The problem gets reproduced on iOS 12 Beta1, Beta2, and Beta3.

I have filed a bug for this issue 41896685 and post an update.




This problem is not reproducible on iOS 12 Beta5.

Thank you very much!
