App removed from the China App Store

Our app was pulled off the shelves by apple in China because we needed a license from the ministry of industry and information technology of China. We don't do VPN services. We sell VPN devices to allow enterprises to connect remotely through VPN. We also consulted the ministry of industry and information technology of China, and they said that we do not need to apply for this license. How do we complain to apple in this situation?

App connect reply to the following:

Dear Developer,

We are writing to notify you that your app, MotionPro Plus, will be removed from the China App Store because it includes content that is illegal in China. As you may know, the government has been tightening regulations associated with VPN applications and since 2015 has required developers to have a license from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT). You have not provided a valid license from the MIIT.

In order to return the app for sale in China, please provide us with a valid license. You may find application requirements and forms available from the MIIT at this website:

Please note that the MIIT only issues licenses to companies based in China. If your company is unable to obtain a license from the MIIT, your app will be made unavailable on the China App Store.

Although your app has been removed from the China App Store, this will not change the availability of your app in any other stores you selected in App Store Connect.

Best regards,


Hello, I'm not sure if you are Chinese, so I'll use English.My situation is exactly the same as yours.I wonder if you have solved this problem.Did you get the license from MIIT?Or how did you explain it to apple's reviewers?We would appreciate it if you could give us some help.

How did you explain it to apple's reviewers in last? We would appreciate it if you could give us some help.

Hi baitt can I call you ?

2023 Update:

Sorry to hear about the trouble with your app, MotionPro Plus, in China. It sounds like a bit of a mix-up with the licensing stuff. Since you've already chatted with the MIIT and they said you're good without the license, maybe try getting something in writing from them? It could help clear things up with Apple.

Also, it's a good idea to check out these links from 21YunBox. They have some useful info about making your app meet Chinese laws [ and why apps get booted from Chinese stores [ This stuff might give you a few more ideas on how to sort things out.

Hope that helps a bit! Good luck getting everything sorted with your app.