Unresponsive VTCompressionSession


mediaserverd H264FrameRec ERROR: m_pLastOutputSlicesSizes = NULL

mediaserverd Assert - (err == noErr) - f: /BuildRoot/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/AppleAVE/AppleAVE-102.69.4/Library/AppleAVEUserLandFrameReceiver.cpp l: 3251

mediaserverd H264FrameRec ERROR: CollectSlicesSizes failed.

mediaserverd Assert - (Frame) - f: /BuildRoot/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/AppleAVE/AppleAVE-102.69.4/Library/AppleAVEUserLandLibrary.cpp l: 2649

mediaserverd AVE ERROR: info = NULL.

I get above messages in console and my callback for created instance of VTCompressionSession is not called after this.

It could happen in 2 seconds - 10 minutes after encoding session is started.

Any help appreciated.
