Scaling SKTileMapNode and tile position

Whenever I use scaling on SKTileMapNode and then call tileColumnIndex and tileRowIndex I get wrong numbers.

How does this detection of tiles work when scaling the map?

I need to scale map to fit playing board onto mobile screen.

Currently having big issues with that so if there is any advice about getting content to properly fit to mobile screens as well tablets and desktop I would be happy. I have already completed logic of my game, game is playable and everything, now I have to fit it for mobile devices and also test it. After that only graphical revamp and it will be ready for app store (I hope).

For now I have detection made like this:

override func mouseMoved(with event: NSEvent)
     var position = event.locationInWindow
     let col = tilemap.tileColumnIndex(fromPosition: position)
     let row = tilemap.tileRowIndex(fromPosition: position)
     print("x: \(col) , y: \(row)")
     //...some more code...

When scaling col and row are totally off as they should be. (also using pointy hexagonal map if that is any needed info?)