iPad2 Detection of the Device's Bluetooth State


I use the following delegate method to detect whether the Bluetooth is enabled or disabled in my app. I know this only works on the LE enabled devices, which means it only returns Unsupported state for iPad 2.

However, iPad 2 does have regular Blutooth, and my app does not depend on BLE but use core bluetooth for it's major features. Having mentioned that, I still want to know whether user has switched ON/OFF Bluetooth in his iPad 2 in order to proceed.

Appreciate if someone can provide a way how this can be achieved without depending on any private API methods.

// Works for devices iPad3 and above
- (void)centralManagerDidUpdateState:(CBCentralManager *)central {
    if (central.state == CBManagerStatePoweredOn) {
       // Start my feature
    } else {
       // Stop my feature