Does setting MTKView.isPaused and enableSetNeedsDisplay save energy?


I'm using Metal for a drawing/painting app, and for the first version I simply followed tutorials and did my rendering in the MTKView's delegate method `draw(in:MTKView)`. Since nothing changes on screen unless the user is "painting" with touch events from their finger or Pencil, I'm wondering if I should set `isPaused` to true and drive rerendering by calling `setNeedsDisplay`.


Accepted Reply

Yes. If you're not continously rendering new images (i.e. animating), there isn't any reason to ask the GPU to do work, causing it tol consume more power. Setting isPaused will just leave previous contents on the screen, meaning the GPU doesn't need to redraw it all.


Yes. If you're not continously rendering new images (i.e. animating), there isn't any reason to ask the GPU to do work, causing it tol consume more power. Setting isPaused will just leave previous contents on the screen, meaning the GPU doesn't need to redraw it all.