Custom Instruments - Using Duration In Expressions?

I have a custom Instrument that is using signpost data from my app, and it wants to compute velocity from each of the tasks.

To borrow from the WWDC example - Say I have a signpost that measures image downloads, and I have a custom instrument wrapping it. I then want to compute the download speed. I have the image size, and the duration, but I can't figure out how to create a column for image size / duration. Duration doesn't seem to be a valid identifier for the CLIPS expression, and trips up the compiler pretty quick.

My end goal is to have an aggregation view with an average download speed column, so if there is another way there that is easier than creating a new column in my schema, that is ok too.

(Image download connection speed is not my exact situation, but without getting into ugly domain specifics, it's the same concept.)


That's an important feature we missed in the beta. Can you write up a bug report and include the bug number here? The only work around would be to include a duration you time yourself in the os_signpost metadata, but that's terrible.

Thanks! 41739388