Detect first launch

I Need to create a splash screen for my app but I can’t detect the first app launch if you know how let me know thanks


What do you mean first app launch ?

Is it the first time ever the user launches your app ?

Then you could keep this information in UserDefaults, with a property firstLaunch set to true

As soon as you launch, set the property to false.

But the splash screen usually shows each time you launch the app…

I Mean the first time the user launched the app and I have tried to use user defaults but it’s not working I’m probably doing it wrong is there a certain way to do it?

> I have tried to use user defaults but it’s not working

Describe 'not working' - what you did, what you expected, how those differed. Also how you're testing that event.

You should define in Root.plist, a key with firstLaunchKey identifier, set it to false

Then, in application(didFinishLaunching):

     let firstLaunchKey = "firstLaunchKey"
     let defaults = [firstLaunchKey: true]     // To have some value

     //  connects to Root.pList see: h ttps:// 
        UserDefaults.standard.register(defaults: defaults)
        UserDefaults.standard.set(false, forKey: firstLaunchKey)     // Now, set to false

Try this simple code:

    if(![[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:@"FirstLaunch"]) {
        [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setBool:NO forKey:@"FirstLaunch"];
        // the value doesn't matter - you are just testing to see if there is an object with the key "FirstLaunch"
        // execute code for first launch
        // execute code for not first launch

If your concern is for the user who deletes the app and then reinstalls it then you will need to use the keychain or the user's iCloud key-value file and both of those are a bit more complex.