Buffer Preloading Failed

Hello everyone.

We have recently starter running our engine on iOS devices and I am looking into performance. I decided to look at some hints we get from the tools and one of them is the "Buffer Preloading Failed" that shows up on all oru pielines regarding all vertex buffers we use.

To give an example we get the following message for one of our pielines:

Buffer Preloading Failed

Make sure your data size is a multiple of 4 bytes and aligned to 4 bytes

and try using a simple access pattern. For constant buffers, try using a fixed buffer size.

vertexBuffer.0 could not be promoted - tmp.115.FLcq4C.metal:RenderSceneVS

I have already checked the data in vertexBuffer.0 has a size that is a multiple of 4 bytes (its 8 float3 entries). I also think it's aligned to 4 bytes - it's at an offest 0 of it's own MTLBuffer.

The access pattern should also be okay - we are using vertex descriptors and this is the only vertex buffer bound (it uses buffer slot 16). Apart from that there are two constant buffers bound 0 and 4. The buffer at slot 9 is not used and thus not bound for this call.

The compilation target is iOS 11.4 and the metal version requested is 2.0.

The shader itself looks like this (minus the unused functions I removed)

#include <metal_stdlib>
#include <metal_geometric>

using namespace metal;

constexpr static const constant int kLightCountMax = 3;

struct ViewConstantBuffer
    float4x4 g_mViewProjection;
    float4 g_CameraPosition;
    float4x4 g_primaryCameraMatrix;
    float4 g_mSoftwareViewport;
    float g_alphaFlag;

struct ObjectConstantBuffer
    float4x4 g_mWorld;

struct LightingConstantBuffer
    float4x4 g_shadowViewProjection[kLightCountMax];
    float4 g_lLightPositionRadius[kLightCountMax];
    float4 g_lLightColorType[kLightCountMax];
    float4 g_shadowMapControls[kLightCountMax];
    float4 g_shadowMapControls2[kLightCountMax];

struct VS_INPUT
    float4 Position [[attribute(0)]];

struct VS_OUTPUT
    float4 Position [[position]];
    float3 UVW;

vertex VS_OUTPUT RenderSceneVS(VS_INPUT vsInput [[stage_in]],
                               constant ObjectConstantBuffer& object [[buffer(0)]],
                               constant ViewConstantBuffer& view [[buffer(4)]],
                               constant LightingConstantBuffer& lighting [[buffer(9)]] )
    VS_OUTPUT vsOutput;

    float4 modelPos = vsInput.Position;
    float4 worldPos = ((modelPos) * (object.g_mWorld));
    float4 worldViewProjPos = ((worldPos) * (view.g_mViewProjection));

    vsOutput.UVW = modelPos.xyz;
    vsOutput.Position = worldViewProjPos;;

    return vsOutput; 

Does anyone know why the Metal runtime would not be able to preload the vertex buffer? Or maybe someone is aware of some tools I can use to debug this issue (I already have the API validation turned up to Extended)?

Accepted Reply

Hi Bart,

This is probably a bug in our runtime analyzer that we've seenw when run on the A11 GPU (used by iPhone8/8+, and iPhone X). So I wouldn't be concerned about this particualr warning. If you're not getting the performance you expect there's probably something else going on.

I'd recommend looking at this article

Metal Best Practices

And these WWDC Videos (most of which have searchable transcripts)

Metal Shader Debugging and Profiling

Metal Performance Optimization Techniques

Metal Game Performance Optimization

Advanced Metal Shader Optimizations


Hi Bart, what type of iOS device are you seeing this on? This may be a spurious warning we've seen with some devices.

Hi Dan,

I've been testing on iPhone 8+.

Hi Bart,

This is probably a bug in our runtime analyzer that we've seenw when run on the A11 GPU (used by iPhone8/8+, and iPhone X). So I wouldn't be concerned about this particualr warning. If you're not getting the performance you expect there's probably something else going on.

I'd recommend looking at this article

Metal Best Practices

And these WWDC Videos (most of which have searchable transcripts)

Metal Shader Debugging and Profiling

Metal Performance Optimization Techniques

Metal Game Performance Optimization

Advanced Metal Shader Optimizations

Thank you!

We have somewhat heavier shaders so we are looking for opportunities for performance improvements. At first it seemed like a useful warning, but since it turned out to be a red herring there is no follow up for us.

Thank you for the links!

Has this been seen on any devices besides ones with the A11? I'm getting it when running my Metal app on a 9.7" iPad Pro with iOS 11. The buffer it's giving the error on is a device float4 * (being used for an array of colors).