Saving CALayer, and custom data.

back when I first started working with CALayer, there was some curious and confusing documentation. Essentially: CALayer supports the addition of custom data, through the use of the method: setValue(Any, forKey: String)

this still works, and I use it to provide a robust way to track which layer is which... an id: UUID().uuidString.

but I have run into a pickle, and the documentation for this wonderful quirk of Core Animation Objects has been redacted. I need guidance.

in updating my app (which used to work just fine, btw) My CALayer hierarchy, which I save in my document, is not saving the id I am setting.

I do not expect that this is anything other than operator error, and I'm probably staring right at the problem, but I'm here, hoping to to find some guidance on how this feature works and what it is intended use is.

