Chain ML models

Hello guys,
How can I chain ML models? ex:
Model 1 indentify fruit: strawberry
Model 2 indentify strawberry type: strawberry apline
Model 3 indentify strawberry apline ripness level: very ripe strawberry apline
My coding is super limited. Im buikding models using Create ML, and replacing on Apple example app. If someone can send some code example I would higely appreciate!

Accepted Reply

It seems for this use case you don't really want to "chain" models but rather persuite different execution paths inside your app. Here's some super-pseudo code for your use case:

let isStrawberry = model1.testForStrawberry(image)
if isStrawberry {
    let strawBerryType = model2.predictStrawberryTypes(image).getMostPropable()
    if stawBerryType == .apline {
        let ripeness = model3.predictAplineStrawberryRipeness(image)
        // do something with ripeness
    } else {
        // not a apline
} else {
    // not a strawberry


It seems for this use case you don't really want to "chain" models but rather persuite different execution paths inside your app. Here's some super-pseudo code for your use case:

let isStrawberry = model1.testForStrawberry(image)
if isStrawberry {
    let strawBerryType = model2.predictStrawberryTypes(image).getMostPropable()
    if stawBerryType == .apline {
        let ripeness = model3.predictAplineStrawberryRipeness(image)
        // do something with ripeness
    } else {
        // not a apline
} else {
    // not a strawberry

thanks a lot Frank, wull try it! : )
Do you know if it would also work if I have subfloders on the same ML model?

I'm afraid I don't know what you mean...