Lower than lowest altitude on MapView


I am making an app, in which the user will be drawing polygons as overlays on a MapView. The problem, however, is that the MapView can only zoom so much. I expect that the MapView has a setting for the lowest acceptable altitude, so that the maps images aren't being blown up, resulting in poor quality for the end user. I understand that, but the problem for me, is that small features, which are used to draw polygons, aren't big enough, and therefore it becomes difficult for the user to map their polygons onto features of the map. For this particular purpose, it does not matter that the imagequality is poor, as long as the user can navigate smaller features better. Hope that makes sense 🙂

Anyways, I have tried setting the region of the MapView to someting small, but the mapview only zooms to the lowest possible altitude over the coordinates provided (Obviously...). I have also tried setting the region, and then setting a lower altitude for the MapView's camera, by using:

mapView.camera.altitude = 10

Does any of you know what could be done to achieve lower altitudes on a MapView?




I fear you should file a bug report and make a suggestion for the feature.

Not sure this is about altitude, but more about proper polygon handling...

Seen this SO thread?


Hi. I have a similar requirement to be able to zoom the map beyond the apparent lowest altitude. Did you ever get a resolution to this?