CIDetector featuresInImage - LandmarkDetector error -20:out of bounds in iOS 12

CIDetector* detector...

[detector featuresInImage:ciImage];

Although Face information that is supposed to be returned in this method seems to be working, we do have the following error in the console.

LandmarkDetector error -20:out of bounds in int vision::mod::LandmarkAttributes::computeBlinkFunction(const vImage_Buffer &, const Geometry2D_rect2D &, const std::vector<Geometry2D_point2D> &, vImage_Buffer &, vImage_Buffer &, std::vector<float> &, std::vector<float> &) @ /BuildRoot/Library/Caches/

It seems that CIDetector is now executed with vision framework. Not sure if this already happening in 11, but something does not seem ok with landmarks.


Are you sure you don't use VNDetectFaceLandmarksRequest in your code?

The error in the console showed up when the face is partialy in the frame, although I can't understand why the Vision library prints a lot of errors in this case, even in release mode.