iOS supported profiles

Which Bluetooth Profiles / services are supported by iOS?

I found this:

I read up the iOS 11.3 will only see the built in pre-defined profiles. Is there a work around?

Hands-Free Profile (HFP 1.6)
Phone Book Access Profile (PBAP)
Advanced Audio Distribution Profile (A2DP)
Audio/Video Remote Control Profile (AVRCP 1.4)
Personal Area Network Profile (PAN)
Human Interface Device Profile (HID)
Message Access Profile (MAP)

So the Android phones will see the advertising of all kinds of BT / BLE devices, but iPhone does not, unless it was previousely paired by a custom app.

Once you "Forget" this device on iPhone, it goes away and will not be seen during scanning.

So even a Serial Port dongle with Serial Port Profile is not supported.(SPP), unless it is drive by a custom app?

Any help appreciated


Does iOS Support GATT/GAP for BLE?

Yes it does.