app Is not installing on iPhone and apple watch

Target : iPhone App

App ID : com.a.b

1. Bundle identifier : com.a.b

Target : watchkitapp

App ID : com.a.b.watchkitapp

1. Bundle identifier : com.a.b.watchkitapp

2. WKCompanionAppBundleIdentifier : com.a.b

Target : watchkitextension

App ID : com.a.b.watchkitextension

1. Bundle identifier : com.a.b.watchkitextension

2. WKAppBundleIdentifier : com.a.b.watchkitapp

After Building the app for paired iphone(ios 9.0) with iwatch(Watch OS 2.0) getting following error

error: Embedded binary's bundle identifier is not prefixed with the parent app's bundle identifier.


Hi manjtsahoo,

The error means that if your iOS bundle identifier is for example "com.test.MyApp", the watchApp bundle identifier must be named "com.test.MyApp.watchkitapp" and watchApp Extension should be called "com.test.MyApp.watchkitapp.watchkitextension".
