Is one year between WWDC´s too short for IOS major releases?

Hi folks,
I am wondering if one year between each WWDC is too short time for IOS development as I see so many bugs in the beta versions - and every year it seems to be harder and harder.
Many basic functions are not really working from one IOS Master version to the next. Why? Are they always changing every core module every year?
For example there are bugs with on screen keyboards on IOS 12 - why?
I am really not sure that this is the best way - wouldn´t it be better if it will be a Tick - Tock development where every two years the basisc are optimized and in the next year only optimisation and some small improvement are done? Similar to Intel´s strategy.
Our developers have more and more work to do with upcoming IOS versions - more bug fixing needed, higher costs, more work.
Every year more devices with different resolutions remembers me more and more that Apple went in the android trap.
So I think it would be great if there will be a re-thinking about that, otherwise we will stuck in a Android / Microsoft mess as the collegues in the other department.
Many greetings


I would not judge from the 1st beta preview release rushed for WWDC.

System interactions can be complex.

Progress and competition are relentless in this field. Sitting back and letting things settle is not an option.

I hope the next Beta of 12.0 will come soon, as then we will see how many bugs were squashed.

tick tock development is a thing of the past - today, it's all perpetual betas...very common. Welcome to the App Store.

I fully agree and I know many of our colleagues do, too. It's not our call though and I'm afraid only customer satisfaction dropping an order of a magnitude would make Apple change anything.