Xcode10 beta can't load bundles from CocoaPods

There are some libraries imported by Cocoapods. Like SVProgressHUD, etc.

When using Xcode10 beta to build the project, it's confirmed that the bundles imported by CocoaPods can't loaded to the app bundle.
Neither the simulator nor the true device, it happes every time.

But when using the Xcode version before 10, like 9.x, the problem is gone!

Please help me!


It's approved that the project which created by CocoaPods version 1.3.1 or before can't run on Xcode10 beta.

Simply, don't do any remove operation, just pod install again after upgrade CocoaPods, the problem is gone.

If the project is newly created by CocoaPods version 1.5.3(1.4.0 or later), it's unnecessary to worry about this issue.
