signature too large to embed

My application compiles and runs successfully. To avoid the 'signature too large to embed' error I was getting during code-signing I set 'Other Code Signing Flags' --timestamp --signature-size=12000 (workaround posted by Quinn in another thread)

Now when I attempt to export an archive of the application from Organizer, I once again fail with 'signature too large to embed (size limitation of on-disk representation)' when re-signing.

It appears that when the application is re-signed by the export process the --signature-size=12000 attribute is not inherited.

How can I work around this?


Just wanted to add that I am also seeing this issue in Xcode 10 when trying to resign the app for ditribution (I do not se ethis error signing for local test builds, and I do not have any extra codesign flags set).

I cannot find a workaround and this is currently blocking me doing a release, and stopping me testing notorizing the app.

Any idea how to work around this?

Well I have worked around this issue, for me codesigned worked fine at build etc, just not when I wanted to notorize or Developer ID sign the app through Organizer.

My app uses Sparkle for updates, the codesign logs said it was on this that teh code signature was to large. I got it working by unchecking codesign on copy on the build phase (when copying the sparkle framework).

After this it codesigned fine through Organizer.

Hopefully this may help anyone else stuck on this.

I too am using Xcode 10 (on Mojave) with the Sparkle updater embedded. Having read your reply, I rebuilt my app and managed to successfully submit it for notarization without making any changes to 'codesign on copy'. Very mysterious - it didn't work last week and now it does. My intention was to verify that

a) I still had a failure and

b) that your fix would solve the problem.

After the success in a) there was no need to try b)

Maybe you could also try another test with Sparkle as you had it previously.

I'm concerned that unchecking 'codesign on copy' for Sparkle was a fix. Somehow that seems a little too random - after all Sparkle is just another 3rd party framework with an embedded executable.