IAP Content Not Built

I'm using XCode 9.4 to create an in-app purchase content target within my iOS 10.3 application. Target content has been tagged and added at the same level as the ContentInfo.plist. In build settings Enabled ODR is set to yes for the project and the target. Futrher, embeded asset packs in product bundle is set to yes for the project and resolves to yes. The IAP's ContentInfo.plist/IAPProductIdentifier matches the Product ID in iTunesConnect and I've checked the name of the ODR tag used to fetch the data.

The status of the IAP is waiting for upload in iTunesConnect. The app has not yet been submitted for review. I've thought about solving the "not built" problem by creating the IAP content as a project rather than a target, but then I couldn't access the IAP, because the app hasn't been submitted for review. My goal is to locally test the IAP using XCode's ODR server.

If I make the target active and build it, the resource tag pane indicates the resources have not been built (ie. "Resource Name" (not bulit)). The IAP resources aren't found when the app is run. The app also uses on-demand resources and is able to find other ODR data that is not part of the aforementioned IAP target.

Where am I going wrong?