Converting to Swift 4.2 caused my app icons to disappear on iPhone!

Xcode gave me a message to convert my app to swift 4.2 language, so i did. After this i noticed that i no longer have app icons on my phone. I havent changed anything on the iphone or assets in xcode.

Has anyone else experienced this?

All my app icons are of the required size and they worked before the conversion to swift 4.2

Thanks guys.

Accepted Reply

This is fixed for me in Xcode 10 beta 2. This comment from the beta 2 release notes seem to confirm the fix:

"Resolved an issue causing certain image assets to not be included in compiled car file when deploying apps to iOS 11 or earlier. (40507731)"


Same here.

You both should dupilicate at Apple's bug reporter.

Im not familiar with the radars, but sure ill take a look as im still experiencing the problem! Thanks

Converting to Swift 4.2 didn't cause this, using Xcode 10 beta 1 did! This has also been reported in the iOS 12 beta forum

I only have missing icons when installing Xcode 10 builds on pre-iOS 12 devices. Installing on a device running iOS 12 beta 1 works fine for me.

This is fixed for me in Xcode 10 beta 2. This comment from the beta 2 release notes seem to confirm the fix:

"Resolved an issue causing certain image assets to not be included in compiled car file when deploying apps to iOS 11 or earlier. (40507731)"

Yes i can confirm there is no issue with this now!