Introductory price for auto-renewing subscriptions not working


I've been able to implement and auto-renewing subscriptions for an unreleased iPhone app, but whenever I try to add an introductory price I get the following message when trying to make a purchase (both sandbox testers and Testflight Users):

"This item is currently being modified. Please try again later"

This is happening for all the subscriptions I've tried to create for the app, and for every sandbox/testflight user, no matter if they've previously bought the subscription or not.

Even more strange than that, when I make a SKProductsRequest I will get SKProduct(s) back as expected with the correct full and discounted prices. However, when I try to actually perform the purchase, the price in the purchase dialog is always shown as a bit lower than what the SKProduct.IntroductoryPrice says. For instance, right now I have my prices set to NOK 779 full price and NOK 105 discounted. When I try to buy it however, it says "1 year for 84,00 kr starting now. Automatically renews for 779,00 kr/year starting 06 June 2019."

I'm currently testing locally with a sandbox account, and the [Environment: Sandbox] shows up as expected. Trying to inspect the SKPaymentTransaction closer after the purchase attemt, I see that the state is failed, and in the Error object I see the following:

Code: 2019

LocalizedDescription: "Purchase of this item is not currently available."

DebugDescription: "Error Domain=SSServerErrorDomain Code=2019 "Purchase of this item is not currently available." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Purchase of this item is not currently available.}"

If I remove the introductory price again, everything including receipt validation works perfectly everywhere. I'm doing the app purchasing process in the app the same way in both cases, I just add/remove the intro price (tried with and without end date).

I've also tried to just leave it for a few days, as I read that it could take a while for price changes to be visible/available everywhere.

Any help or tips for further debugging on this issue? Because this is an app for a customer of ours, we can't release it without having intro prices working correctly.


I am having the exact same issue as you, currently have not found a work around.

My currency is Australian dollar, AUD, so this issue is not localised to a particular region

I am consistently getting rejected by the App Review with a screenshot showing an alert with the same error message: “This item is currently being modified. Please try again later. [Environment Sandbox]”

I am trying to release a new app with an auto-renewing subscription in-app purchase with introductory pricing.

However, I cannot reproduce the error. As far as I can tell in-app purchase works when I test it as a developer and for TestFlight beta testers.

I’ve done the recommended in-app purchase tests. I've tested across two devices to make sure restore works.

I haven’t been able to get much in the way of repro steps through the Resolution Center. Apple Developer Program Support just points me back to the Resolution Center. I haven’t requested code level support because I don’t know what might cause this error.

I am using on-device receipt validation.

I’ve only used test accounts with the US as the region. However, it looks from their screenshots which show non-dollar currencies, eg. Yen, like the App Store reviewers are also using other regions. Perhaps, I should look into that?

Any ideas what might cause this error and possible repro steps, please?

Have you guys resolved this? I am facing the exact same issue as yours now. Been searching for answers for 2 days now and cant seem to go anywhere. Please help.