iOS FairPlay videos not playing after obtaining CKC from server

I am trying to implement FairPlay in my application.

I am able to play an encrypted video using the SDK given by Apple but the problem is the SDK only supports iOS 11+ but my project supports iOS 9+. The Delegate methods used in the sample SDK are available from iOS 11+

So i have searched online and written the code but i am unable to play a video.

Here are the links in am using:

  1. Playlist:
  2. Certificate:

Here are the steps i have followed:

  1. Added a delegate to the AVURLAsset to call this delegate function shouldWaitForLoadingOfRequestedResource.
  2. In this function, i am first getting the contents of certificate in NSData
  3. Then, i am obtaining the asset string and converting it to NSData.
  4. Then, i am calling this function to create SPC value.
NSData *spc = [loadingRequest streamingContentKeyRequestDataForApp:certificate contentIdentifier:assetId options:nil error:nil];

  1. The SPC received and Asset ID is then passed to Azure server with application/x-www-form-urlencoded content-type.
  2. The CKC received is then trimmed to remove and tags and then converted it to Base64String and then called these functions

[dataRequest respondWithData:base64CkcData];
[loadingRequest finishLoading];

Can anyone help me find what am i doing wrong here?



You would be better off asking this question in hte FairPlay Streaming forum. The FairPlay experts may not be reading this forum.