App launch failure on iOS 10.3.3


I have an issue with my application that I'm distributing through TestFlight as a beta app. I successfully installed my app using TestFlight app on several iOS devices - iPhones and iPads. It's launching and working correctly when using devices with iOS 11 but also with f.e. 10.3.1.

Unfortunately, using iOS 10.3.3 devices causes the app to only display launch screen and close immediately. There are no crash logs in TestFlight and device logs contain lines like this:

Submitted job with label: UIKitApplication:my_app_id[0xd2f2][64]
[my_app_id] Bootstrap complete with label: UIKitApplication:my_app_id[0xd2f2][64]
Client my_app_id with pid '6476' is now Foreground Running. Background entitlement: NO
SystemUI unknown identifier: 'my_app_id'
SystemUI changed: 0x10 -> 0x0
6476 my_app_id: ForegroundRunning (most elevated: ForegroundRunning)
Attempt to add an app with insufficient id, info <private>
<FBApplicationProcess: 0x5ae9f10; my_app_name; pid: 6476> exited.
Deleted job with label: UIKitApplication:my_app_id[0xd2f2][64]
Process exited: <FBApplicationProcess: 0x59a9b80; my_app_name; pid: -1> 
-> <FBApplicationProcessExitContext: 0xd8206c0; exitReason: (none); terminationReason: (none)>
Client my_app_id with pid '6476' is now Terminated. Background entitlement: NO

Does anyone know what's the reason for such behaviour only on iOS 10.3.3?

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Actually, the problem was a custom post_install action in my Podfile. Recently, to pass iTunesConnect verification I had to add "arm64" to UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities in pods' Info.plist. It seems that now this step is not needed and it actually caused the problem on iOS 10.3.3. Thanks for help.


I think 10.3.3 is a red herring - more likely a signing issue.

Using any 3rd party stuf such as xamarin?

Have you checked that all frameworks have bee properly signed?

Have you check the keychain on those devices for conflicting signing?