CLSQuantityItem showing as "Count" with no units

I've already submitted this as a bug / feature request, but am posting it here as info for the community.

In my app Tap Tangram, I submit several CLSQuantityItem objects in the report to the teacher at the end of an activity. All of these show with a large "Count" heading which is of absolutely no value to the teacher, and then my own title in a smaller font. This UX doesn't make sense. The "Count" heading is not needed; rather the teacher needs to see only the description, or title of the item.

Noting that CLSQuantityItem accepts a double for it's value, I don't understand why the SchoolWork app rounds this up to the nearest integer.

In one example, the "Average time to answer a question" is shown as "5", however the value submitted in the item is 4.89.

I would like, if we can't have additional CLSActivityItem types, to be able to specify the precision, or formatting of the value, and the units with a UnitsTitle property.

Whilst I can embed the units inside the title of the item, it would look and read better if the value is shown as "4.89 seconds" rather than:


I would also like, for the CLSScoreItem to be able to submit a simple score, without having to specify a "max" value. Sometimes an activity can be a game without a maximum score. Not all quizzes have the same number of questions for each student.