Will ClassKit work without Shared iPad?

Back when Shared iPad was "launched", we were told to ensure that our app settings, and so on, are stored in iCloud (or similar) so that the data is preserved when a device is allocated to a new student.

To enable this we were told to include NSSupportsPurgeableLocalStorage in the app info plist.

Given that ClassKit appears to require iCloud support for reasons of it's own, is there to be a similar property to add to our app?

Having completed (I hope) integrating ClassKit into 2 apps so far, that previously only used NSUserDefault for app settings, it became apparent that to also support Shared iPad, it was important to integrate support for iCloud Key-Value storage.

I think it would help if the documentation made more mention of the benefits of support for both Shared iPad and ClassKit.

I'm only really writing this as a prompt for others that may not realise.

Accepted Reply

Excellent point! Filed: 40450032 - ClassKit Docs should advocate for Shared iPad support


Excellent point! Filed: 40450032 - ClassKit Docs should advocate for Shared iPad support