Permissions required for beacons and geofencing?


I'm working on an app that uses geofencing, both with GPS coordinates (CLCircularRegion) and iBeacons (CLBeaconRegion).

I'm wondering what the minimum permissions and settings are that my app needs to function correctly.

1. Do I need to explicity request permission to use Bluetooth in order for the iBeacons to work?

2. Do I need to enable Bluetooth LE and Location Updates Background Modes in order to get geofencing callbacks while my app is in the background?

3. Do I need to explicitly ask the user for background ("always") location tracking?




This is probably way too late to be relevant, but Geofencing and Beacon monitoring require the same permissions. Location permission "Always". As far as I know, Bluetooth permission is not required to have Beacon monitoring work. Background Update Modes are also not required as the location delegate methods should be sufficient. Background Modes would only be needed for Background App Refresh or other services.