error in xcode 9.2

Hello everybody

I wanted to upload a build but i became an error. This is the error

"couldn't parse contents of '/Users/alisterzini/Dropbox/Projekt Alis/Noten- und Promotionsrechner/Info.plist': The data couldn't be read because it isn't in the correct format."


We would need to see your Info.plist which has probably some problem.

In the Navigator area on the left, right click on info.plist and open as Source code.

Add the content of this file to your post.

I cannot open it as Source Code

Shows it is corrupted probably.

Can you see it in XCode ? How many items ?

If you can catch a screenshot of the plist and show your mail here, I'll give you my mail so that you can send it.

Can you open with another editor, like QuickLook ?

i have the screen shot but i don't know how to show it