Modify AvCam to show a preview


I’ve sort of asked this before but got no response. I’ve been on this now for two days and am getting nowhere.

Basically, as a quick test, I added some code to capture the photoData just before the ”didFinishCaptureFor” func writes the image to the Photos library. Then a button on the camera VC that loads the data into an image view (pv) on the same VC as follows:

let dataProvider = CGDataProvider(data:! as CFData)

let cgImageRef: CGImage! = CGImage(jpegDataProviderSource: dataProvider!, decode: nil, shouldInterpolate: true, intent: .defaultIntent)

let photo = UIImage(cgImage: cgImageRef)

pv.contentMode = .scaleAspectFill

pv.image = photo

The image that is saved to the Photos library is correctly orientated, while the one previewed is not.

I understand about how the image is captured etc., and have read so many posts that explain why, but I can’t find an example that works where the image is either previewed as above, or saved to the app folder as opposed to the Photos library.

This post has a response by bford that states “When you write the buffer to any of the standard still image containers (JPEG, HEIC, DNG, TIFF, etc), the image is rotated and/or flipped appropriately at display time.”.

If this is the case then I’m clearly missing some code as I’ve not modified the AvCode, simply added a preview, yet the image is still not displayed properly.

Note that the only reason I need custom camera code is that I need to record the location and direction the camera was pointed when the photo was taken. The image picker doesn’t return location data and ultimately I don’t want to have to click “use photo”, rather just save every one.

Thanks in advance


Ps... I’ve been through 5 sample apps, all from github, and none of them handle orientation changes. The only one that works is AvCam, but I still can’t figure how to save the image to my app folder without messing up the orientation.

AVCapturePhotoOutput returns an AVCapturePhoto, from which you can get a -fileDataRepresentation. You can then create a UIImage from that fileDataRepresentation using +[UIImage imageWithData:], then create a UIImageView with that UIImage and place it where you want it in your view hierarchy. The fileDataRepresentation contains the orientation as Exif, and +[UIImage imageWithData:] should honor that orientation.